Benefits Of Jeera(Cumin) Water For Weight Loss

Jeera or Cumin water is one magical potion with several health benefits including weight loss. It is a versatile spice which is readily available in every Indian household. The cumin water can be prepared by soaking a tsp of cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight. This process results in the oozing out of the bioactive compounds into the water, transforming it into a magical extract. The consumption of cumin water first thing in the morning helps in many ways like- 1. Detoxification of the body- Cumin seeds are rich in polyphenols and compounds like gallic acid, quercetin and kaempferol which act as free-radical scavenging agents. Thus helps in eliminating toxins that may cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the body . 2. Strengthens the digestion system- Since ancient times, cumin seeds are known for its digestion improving potentials. It contains a compound called Thymol which stimulates the gastric secretion and has a stimulatory ef...