Indian Diet Plan And Healthy Tips To Lose Weight In 4 Weeks!

Indian diet is unique in its way. Various factors like ingredients, method of cooking, variety in cuisines are what makes it a favorite meal for many across the globe. 

It has many advantages like-

  • Include a variety of herbs and spices
  • It is majorly vegetarian
  • Include the various types of legumes, fruits, and vegetables
  • It is low in saturated fats

These plus points of an Indian diet plan can be a boon among Indians when they are trying to lose weight in the most indigenous way. All we have to do is to make sure that 

  • We do not omit any food groups, including all of them 
  • Secondly, to balance the food groups to extract maximum nutritional benefits

But firstly, it is essential to understand the root causes of why weight gain happens. It can be due to 
  • Hormone imbalance- These chemical agents play a significant role in fat accumulation and weight gain. Hormones like thyroid, estrogen, insulin, ghrelin, and leptin, etc. regulate the nutrients metabolism and any irregularity in these causes metabolic fluctuations.
  • Micronutrients deficiency- Though required in small amounts, vitamins and minerals function as coenzymes and catalysts, regulating many biochemical reactions of the nutrients.
  • Toxins in the body- Toxins, coming from various external and internal sources, are hazardous for our body. These not only slows down the metabolic rate but also aggravates the complications that can come up with conditions like the development of free radicals, oxidative stress, and damage. 
  • Sleep deprivation and Stress- Lack of sleep results in the higher secretion of stress hormones, which causes fat accumulation along with disrupted metabolism. Moreover, research has shown that stress is related to the disturbed secretion of appetite hormones like ghrelin and leptin that results in overeating.
Now, coming back to the question of where to start from? The most simple yet comfortable and practical answer is your diet. The regular Indian food with the indigenous ingredients right from your kitchen shelves. An ideal Indian diet plan should look something like this

Indian Diet Plan plan for weight losss in 4 weeks by Truweight

An Indian diet plan has many advantages over a conventional diet plan in the context of health benefits, variety, flavor, and even taste.

An Indian diet plan has

  • Healthy spices- Apart from adding colors to Indian meals, spices, when consumed in moderation, have antioxidant effects too. In fact, they possess many health benefits against digestive ailments, oxidative stress, inflammation, and diarrhea, etc.
  • More fresh fruits and vegetables- Indian meals comprise of many freshly grown vegetables in the form of different curries. Unlike Western nations, Indian diet does not contain canned and frozen food, which is healthy and safe to consume.
  • More satiating flavors- Indian diet is enriched with a variety of spices which add flavor and color to your meals and can easily satiate your taste buds.

With Indian diet plan, it is more accessible, more convenient, and more effective weight loss. But along with planned meals, you should consider these weight loss tips to make it even healthier.

  • Keep yourself hydrated- drink enough water throughout the day.
  • Include salads and soups with meals- As these are rich in fibres, helps you providing high satiety value, and reduce your calorie intake.
  • Make sure to include protein sources in your every meal as well as in mid-meal snacks.
  • Include healthy snack options like fruits, tandoori paneer, buttermilk, green tea, etc.
  • Do not skip your meals and starve yourself- As it fluctuates the metabolic rate and also, encourage overeating.
  • Stock up the kitchen shelves with healthy ingredients and prefer home-cooked food.
  • Prefer eating in small bowls and plates to avoid large calorie consumption.

As we know that diet contributes to 70-80% in weight loss, one should focus on a balanced and nutritious food. To lose weight and gain health, you need not run behind expensive supplements and unhealthy fad diets. All you have to do is open your mind, stock up your kitchen shelves with healthy food items, and start your weight loss journey.

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READ MORE TIPS HERE: Weight loss Tips to follow the above Diet Chart


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