Five Reasons Why Food Is Medicine!

Hippocrates has once said, “Let food be thy medicine, let medicine be thy food”. This exactly should be the approach which is the demand of time to for healthy existence.

Prevention is better than cure

Everyone has come across the saying “Prevention is better than cure”, which holds more practicality with right food pattern. This helps in keeping your immunity strong with the fitter body and without any nutrient deficiencies. Therefore, the chances of contracting any disease are very rare. 

Food regulates hormonal balance

Secondly, medicines might be capable of checking your imbalanced hormone level but food, being the building blocks of hormones,  ensure its right composition and secretion. Hence, reducing any chances for hormonal imbalance.

A proper diet reduces the risk of cancer

There are diseases where even medicine’s effect is debatable, relying totally on an individual’s fate. Cancer is one such disease where the preventive medication is yet to be formulated and efficacy of curing properties is still questionable.

Food has detoxifying qualities

But when it comes to food, the power of natural antioxidants, emerging as phytonutrients, is unbeatable. This acts at the preventive stage reducing the complications in later life.  Also, due to the same superpower of phytonutrients, food is an excellent detoxifying agent, removing toxins and therefore, halting the damage caused due to inflammation.

Food can help reduce the effects of genetic disorders

With the emergence of the new field of nutritional genomics, it is well established that nutrients even have the potential to express their characteristics at the genetic level. This means that not only an individual’s health but also the health of the future generations can be preserved with right and natural source of nutrition


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