Are Two Minute Oats Really Healthy For You? Goodness Of Unprocessed Right Here
Oats are considered one of the healthiest breakfast options across the globe. They are rich in soluble fibres that manifest many health benefits. Oats contain a wide range of nutrients like fibre, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, etc. which make them top the healthy food charts. Types of Oats 1. Oat Groats Groats are the hulled kernels of cereal grains: in this case, oats. Groats are whole: they include the cereal germ, the bran, and the endosperm of the grain. They are very nutritious, but often require soaking prior to cooking, and remain somewhat chewy. They are best used in porridges and stews. 2. Oat Bran Think oat groat but without the germ, or the endosperm. It can be prepared very similarly to oatmeal but will cook much faster (in about 3 minutes). Additionally, while it is nutritious, it is not a whole grain. 3. Instant Oats One of the most well known, instant oats is the most processed of the three. ...
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