5 Effective Ab Workout To Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat can be the most stubborn weight to lose. It is the easiest to put on and the last to go and almost everyone struggles with it.
There are a variety of exercises that are designed to target excessive belly fat- some work and others do not.
Listed below are some simple exercises which if done regularly will definitely reveal results.
  • Start with a warm-up that consists of holding the knees up to your chest and moving from left to right. 
  • This is to be followed by Plank for 60 seconds. This has been recognized as one of the most effective exercises to burn belly fat. 
  • If the plank is too easy, the cross plank exercise consists of touching the alternate elbow to the knee while holding the plank position.
  • Russian twist with a dumbbell works on your obliques. Beginners can start with a 1 kg dumbbell and gradually move up to 5 kgs.
  • Side plank on either side for 60 seconds helps to strengthen the entire core and burn away excess fat.
  • Follow this with a Hollow hold for 30 seconds. It consists of resting on just the hips and holding the torso and legs up.
  • The same exercises are to be repeated with 45 seconds of a break in between. 
  • It is crucial to follow up this routine with stretching. Holding the cobra position for 30 seconds helps to stretch out all the muscles in the abdomen. This should be followed by the child’s pose that effectively cools the body and slows down momentum.
A combination of these exercises done at regular intervals should show results in 6 to 8 weeks. The most important thing is to stay consistent and eat healthily. An effective workout is just 40% of attaining flaunt-worthy abs. 
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