Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight
Beginning your weight loss journey with low carb foods is an easy way to see results sooner.
This kind of diet excludes most of the processed items and adds real low carb foods instead. The major carbohydrate-heavy foods in our diet are sugar, rice, bread, and pasta (including our instant noodles).
If along with low carb foods, you include a decent portion of healthy fats in your diet, it’s called the keto diet.

Generally, weight gain is due to excess accumulation of glucose, which is formed by the breakdown of carbohydrates. The unused portion of the carbohydrates is then converted into glucose. Once your body has stored enough glucose, the next method of storing is by converting the excess glucose into fat.
Hence, on a low carb foods diet, you starve your body of the nutrient that is essential for this conversion.
Now that you understand the basics and how low carb foods can help you with your weight loss goals, let’s see what you can add to your diet.
The different types of low carb foods you can eat:
1. Eggs
A large egg (of about 50gm) as a whole has less than 1gm of carbohydrates.
2. Cottage Cheese (Paneer)
Has only 1.2gms of carbs in every 100gms. Now, how’s that for your choice of low carb foods?
3. Watermelons
This fruit very obviously falls under the category of low carb foods as it is mostly water and very delicious too!

4. Broccoli and Cauliflower
With just 7gms of carbs per 100gms and a ton of other nutritional benefits, you need to include these vegetables in your low carb foods diet.
You love this one; and why not? It is extremely healthy with just 8gms of carbs per 100gms. Feel free to binge on this fruit when you have the chance!
These are some of the most commonly available items in our kitchen. Some other low carb foods include mushrooms, lettuce, lean meats and fishes, peaches, and many more.
The list does not end here, but it will surely give you the necessary starting point before you add more items to your low carb foods diet.
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READ MORE: Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight
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