Simple Yoga Asanas & Tips for Weight Loss
Yoga Asanas
For good health and
fitness, we need good nutrition, balanced diet, proper exercise methods. These
vital factors not only help with health issues, but also help with overweight
issues such as losing and controlling weight. Overcoming weight issues will
help reducing the risk of various health disorders like heart attack, cancer,
obesity, hypertension and likewise.
There are various
exercises for weight loss like lunges, planks, crunches, push ups, office chair
workouts, face exercises, leg exercises, belly workouts, bear crawls, cardio,
strength training, running, jumping, walking.
Yoga is the most ancient
and natural form of exercising which has its origin in India. It is one such
rare type of meditation that helps control mind, body and soul. Besides giving
you strong health, Yoga helps with reducing fat, weight and controlling weight
gain. There are many types of fats like belly fat, thigh fat, face fat which
yoga can help with. It’s the most natural way of losing weight that lets you
get rid of all those slimming machines, cosmetic pills, surgeries
Yoga Asanas:
The poses of yoga are called Asanas. There are various types of asanas each
contributing to health and wellness. Different people have the choice of
choosing asanas depending upon their physical and emotional wellness concerns
such as the different types of disorders like heart attack, kidney disorders,
overweight, brain functioning, peace of mind etc. Each asana contributes to particular
wellness concern. For ex: sun salutation is the one of the most popular asanas,
that works on strengthening abdominal muscles.
Yoga Asanas For Weight
There are many asanas of yoga which help with overweight issues such as weight loss , weight gain andweight control. Before going ahead with performing the asanas for weight loss, it is important to get yourself ready with comfortable clothes and other yoga materials that support your exercise.
There are many asanas of yoga which help with overweight issues such as weight loss , weight gain andweight control. Before going ahead with performing the asanas for weight loss, it is important to get yourself ready with comfortable clothes and other yoga materials that support your exercise.
Moving on to the asanas
that help with weight loss, the best poses include the following:
Sun salutation works on abdomen

Half-moon pose good for fat reduction

Boat pose good for ab toning and belly fat

Locust pose works on hips and lower back

Upward dog pose good for losing overall weight

Bow pose works on digestion

Shoulder stand pose for whole body and shoulders

Triangle pose to reduce fat from stomach

Plough pose for all body muscle
Apart from weight loss, yoga has many health benefits such as boosting immunity, blood purification, migraines, insomnia and other sleep disorders, depression, strong bones, strong muscles, reducing blood pressure, digestion and gastrointestinal problems, oxygen uptake, good heart rate, spinal chord issues etc.
Asanas like mayurasana,
sirisasana, sarvangasana help with proper blood circulation.

Savasana, pranayama help
proper meditation and sleep. Savasana also reduces systolic blood pressure.
The other popular asanas
of yoga that improve overall health are bhujangasana, padmasana, balasana,
tadasana, sethu bandhasana, halasana, utkatasana, baddha konasana.
On an ending note, we would like to recommend
diet with yoga asanas will help reducing weight faster and promotes better
overall health.
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