Snacking Foods To Try For Diabetics

Diabetes is a chronic ailment that can hit across all groups. When people develop this disease, the first thing that crosses their minds is the restriction on food.
But wait! you can keep your taste buds alive with the options available as food for diabetes.
All you need to make sure is that your diet consists of foods low in glycemic index.
The good news here is these snacks are not limited. But there are many foods to eat with diabetes available.
Let’s get to know a few of these options one by one
1. Nuts:
Nuts like Almonds and walnuts are good for diabetic patients. They are tasty, crunchy, nutritious and have proved good food for diabetics and weight management.
Nuts are proved to be the best snacks for diabetics due to their nutritious quality. A healthy diet can contain 6-7 soaked almonds and one or two walnuts a day.
2. Roasted snacks:
Diabetic people generally have a weakness to fried foods. You can replace these with roasted soy chips, roasted chana, and roasted moong dal.
These small eats are a good option as food for diabetics and weight management.
Roasted snacks are convenient for people who are working and cannot follow a strict diet.
3. Moong Dal (split yellow gram) and paneer (cottage cheese) Cheela:
Pancake or cheela in the Indian language is one of the tastiest snacks for diabetes. Good in taste and can fill your tummy during the time when you are in need of a heavy meal.
It can be easily prepared at home within minutes. Proved to be one of the best low carb low sugar snacks.
4. Karela (Bitter gourd) chips:
Everyone needs an option for all day munching. It becomes more crucial when you have diabetes as you need frequent snacks all day. Karela chips are considered as best low carb low sugar snacks.

Bitter gourd has a very high hypoglycemic compound, which helps in lowering your sugar levels. Foods made from Karela are considered the best foods for diabetics.
The list mentioned above does not end there but it is just a glimpse of available Indian snacks for diabetics.
You can keep your love for Indian food intact with all these tasty snacks.
These sugar-free snacks have Indian flavors on one side, and on the other side, it helps you control diabetes.
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