Top 12 High Antioxidant Foods Should Include In Your Diet

Consumption of rich anti-oxidant foods is highly important as these antioxidants safeguard your cells from free radicals which are very harmful in nature. 

These free radicals are dangerous because they accumulate and damage your DNA and other cell structures, making us prone to diseases like diabetes, cardio problems and cancer. 

So it is recommended to include foods which are rich in antioxidants, in our daily meal course.

Below are few food items which are considered to be rich in antioxidants:

1] Berries:

Berries which are rich in antioxidants are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. These berries contain anthocyanin, which is a type of antioxidant that prevents heart diseases.

2] Artichokes:

This is a type of vegetable which has a large content of antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients. The amounts of these nutrients vary depending on how they are processes before consuming. 

Boiling the veggie increases the antioxidant content multiplies by 8 fold, when steamed it multiplies by 15 fold, but when fried it gets reduced drastically.

3] Kale:

This variety of spinach has good amount of antioxidants, where as the red kale has double the amount of antioxidants when compared.

4] Red cabbage:

The antioxidant content in it could be doubled by stir-frying rather than boiling.

5] Beans:

Beans contain a type of antioxidant called kaempferol which suppresses cancerous growth.

6] Beetroot: 

They contain betalains which reduces inflammation.

7] Spinach:

Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin which guards the eyes from free radical depositing.

8] Pecans:

Pecans increase the antioxidant properties in blood and lower the cholesterol level.

9] Coco rich food:

Dark chocolates have a great amount of nutrients and reduce cardio problems.

10] Spices:

Powdered cloves, cinnamon and oregano are said to be rich in antioxidants.

11] Small kidney beans:

These types of beans have phenolic antioxidants that lower the risk of cancer.

12] Oranges:

Oranges are goldmines of nutrients. They contain vitamin C and beta-cryptoxanthin which acts as antioxidants.


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