5 Low Fat Foods and Sources To Include In Your Healthy Diet

Are you looking for a weight loss diet plan? The best way to come up with the right diet is to include low calorie foods. Adding low calorie meals can be the perfect solution to keep your diet balanced. Lentils, beans, peas, whole grain, millets can be the ultimate low calorie ingredients that you can add to your diet. Replace your high calorie foods with fruits such as watermelon, mangoes, blueberries, oranges, grapefruits, papaya, peach are healthy and fat-free, which are low calorie. For dairy products, go for the low fat foods like skimmed milk, cottage, cheese, yoghurt.

Have you been trying to lose weight with dietary changes but don't know which foods to include? Well, first of all, you can go for the low fat foods that have nutrient value. Since fat is the main component of foods that bring weight gain, the first dietary change would be to minimize the fat content in foods.

There are basically 4 types of Fats

  • Saturated Fat
  • Trans Fat
  • Monounsaturated Fat
  • Polyunsaturated Fat
So in order to lower your fat content from your diet, we bring to you a list of 5 low fat foods that you should totally include in your diet.

  1. Pumpkin seeds, virgin olive oil, flax seeds, walnuts, almonds etc. These contain omega-3 fatty acid which is a popular unsaturated fat source.
  2. Most of the green leafy vegetables including onion, beets, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli,  sweet potatoes, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, contain negligible or no saturated fat or trans fat.
  3. Fruits such as watermelon, mangoes, blueberries, oranges, grapefruits, papaya, peach are healthy and fat-free.
  4. Few good cereals and grains that come with low fat are shredded wheat, lentils, beans, peas, whole grain, millets etc.
  5. Low-fat dairy products such as low fat or skimmed milk, cottage, cheese, yoghurt.

We also bring to you 5 Natural tips to reduce fat and overall weight 

Maintain a well planned balanced diet with effective low-fat foods.

Maintain diet charts to make your diet more effective.

Avoid junk foods that contain more fat.

Avoid eatables with oil, ghee and other foods with excess fat.

Supplement your diet with exercise and minimum physical activities.

Prefer home food and avoid outside food.

Foods with high fat also bring various health disorders like thyroid, obesity, type 2 diabetes, diabetes mellitus, cancer, dermatological disorders, cardiovascular issues, high blood cholesterol levels etc. So, the more alert you are, the better health you can have. 


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