10 Amazing Benefits Of Climbing Stairs

If you are looking for a routine physical exercise, we bring to you the easiest of them all which is climbing stairs. 
Yes, this although not an established exercise, can actually work wonders.
In fact, climbing stairs can be the best way to follow a physical workout in between your busy schedules. 
All you got to do is ditch the elevators and take up the stairs.
If you are still having doubts about it, here are the various health benefits of climbing stairs.
1. Climbing stairs help the body producing certain hormones called endorphins that are known to uplift the mood. Endorphins are also called "happy hormones".
2. Compared to jogging, climbing stairs help in burning more calories.
3. Climbing stairs can be the perfect cardio workout for your whole body.
4. It helps in strengthening as well as toning the leg muscles.
5. Climbing stairs help your body put a continuous effort in working against the gravity and hence helps in burning more calories as well as boosting the body's metabolism.
6. Climbing stairs help in making the body joints stronger.
7. Studies show that climbing stairs are recommended to keep the immune system healthy and also maintain lower risks of diabetes and heart diseases.
8. Climbing stairs help in keeping the bones healthy and prevent chances of osteoporosis.
Therefore, with these many health benefits, climbing stairs is a wonder exercise. And you don't even need to shed sweat at the gym or make special time for this.
All you have to do is find ways of taking stairs wherever you go. It's time to ditch the escalators or lifts, instead, burn fat while taking the stairs.


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