7 Lifestyle Tips And Healthy Foods To Reduce Belly Fat

While losing weight is obviously a very popular concern among us, aiming to reduce belly fat is not a small deal.

Every day we come across pills and machines that claim to reduce belly fat. However, these things aren’t really helping.

Therefore, besides following a few basic exercises, a suitable diet can effectively contribute to reducing belly fat.

7 Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

In order to reduce your tummy fat naturally at home, we bring you these 7 amazing tips that include proper diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management.

1. Lead an active lifestyle

Don’t be lazy and follow the right workout. So stop being plopped on that chair and look out for easy office chair workouts & Belly Fat Reduction Exercises to bail you out.

2. Improve your diet

Include food options high in protein and fiber that boost up metabolism and fat breakdown.

  • Fish rich in omega 3
  • Green tea
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products which include low-fat milk, yogurt and Cheese(especially Swiss cheese)
  • Oats and barley

3. Hitting the gym

When there is a lack of seriousness in your workout regime or only a single exercise is being practiced, you wouldn’t see any benefit out of it.

  • Noteworthy Tips on belly fat reduction exercises for men/women
  • A Thousand crunches a day may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a layer of fat on top, you will still not get the visible abs that you want.
  • Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system [2].

Eg- Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets holding for 30 seconds each.

4. Destress yourself

The stress hormone cortisol works against your fat! The stress hormone Cortisol is mainly responsible for fat distribution in the body and especially around the central part of the abdomen. It has been seen that women with higher abdominal fat have also higher negative emotions.

5. Sleep like a baby!

Lack of sleep is going to make you look like a panda, none of the cuteness but an overload of the belly fat.

Did you know, lack of sleep also releases cortisol, the infamous stress hormone? Do yourself a favor, put out the lights, keep the mobiles aside and lull yourself to sleep.

6. Get motivated

Negativity and low self-esteem are the reasons that fat ain’t leaving you. If you are not willing to challenge yourself, then your belly fat is soon going to challenge the stitch lines of your clothes and ultimately your self-esteem.

7. Physical activities to lose belly fat at home

Don’t want that belly fat to bulge? Here’s another good tip to decrease it naturally at home. Aerobic exercises and yoga are few of the best ways to reduce tummy fat.

It is said that physical activity contributes to only 30% in weight loss. The remaining aid of 70% weight reduction (including belly fat reduction) is by the dietary plan.

Do’s and Dont’s to remove belly fat?

Having trouble in losing that stubborn belly fat? Incorporate these do’s and dont’s to your list to aid in weight loss to decrease belly fat.

4 Do’s to Burn Belly Fat

1. Set your long-term weight loss goal
2. Eat a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables for reduction of tummy fat quickly.
3. Start exercising
4. Drink plenty of water

6 Don’ts for Belly Fat Reduction:

1. Don’t starve your body in order to lose weight or decrease belly fat.
2. Skip fad diets that only allow you a limited number of foods.
3. Don’t have weight loss pills as they may have negative side effects.
4. Eliminate sugar from your diet to decrease fat naturally.
5. Don’t have fast food and processed foods.
6. Don’t drink diet sodas and fruit juices that consist of sugar that could promote weight gain.

Foods that Reduce Belly Fat

1. Omega 3 to the Rescue!! FISH it is!!!
2. Low waistline with… LOW-FAT MILK, LOW-FAT YOGURT, SWISS CHEESE!!!!
3. Reduce belly fat naturally with OATS & BARLEY !!!
4. GREEN TEA ( Reduce belly fat fast with this!!! )
5. Go NUTS!!!

#reducebellyfat, #howtoreducebellyfat, #dietcharttoreducebellyfat, #diettoreducebellyfatindian, #dietplantoreducebellyfat

READ MORE: Belly Fat Diet


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