10 Points To Know About Obesity Pattern In Women | Truweight

Women are more health conscious and count calories whenever and whatever they eat.

Despite this fact, it is generally found that female suffer from obesity more than their male counterparts.

It is important to know that obesity in women has a different pattern compared to obesity in men.

The fat deposition pattern in women
The deposition of fat differs with gender, based on physiological activities of fat cells.

This, in turn, is driven by the specific regulatory functioning of hormones. The fat distribution pattern is termed differently in both men and women.

10 Points to know about obesity pattern in women- The obesity in women is due to the following reasons:

1. The fat storage pattern varies from woman to woman:

The fat storage pattern is unique for every woman. Some women are likely to gain weight on the stomach, some on the hips and some on the waist only.

Some are likely to acquire weight on back, chest, and hips and some on hips and the stomach.

2. Pregnancy is a phase which is not to be entirely blamed:

Everyone knows the fact that this most precious phase of a woman’s life brings a few extra calories which are difficult to shed off.

It is quite obvious that during pregnancy a woman tends to get more weight of about 10-12 kg. You might be facing a similar situation.

3. Your genetic predisposition matters a lot:

Every time bad eating habits can’t be blamed for the extra weight.

There are many instances in which the genetic makeup of the person plays a crucial role in weight gain among women.

4. Emotional upheavals are also a crucial factor:

According to a study published in Psychiatry Research, it is seen that psychological factors affect women more than men in causing depression.

5. Your eating habits play a crucial role:

It is a common saying that what we eat is what we are. It is not only what we eat but also how much we eat.

The generally seen that women are mostly responsible for all the kitchen duties, and she is likely to taste and taste again the puddings, cookies, cakes, pizzas to prepare the best meals for her family.

6. Lack of physical activities matters a lot:

When does the woman get time to do exercises? Most of the time you are actually engaged with children, cooking, and household work and in such a scenario, exercising really takes a back seat.

7. Female hormones are also a culprit:

Yes, it may sound absurd but yes female hormones are really responsible for weight gain in women.

8. Drinking less water is also responsible:

In case you are drinking less water, you might confuse thirst with hunger. As a result, you are likely to eat more leading to weight gain.

9. Weight gain varies with age:

It has been seen that women are likely to gain more weight during menopause. The decreasing muscle mass makes it difficult to burn calories, resulting in increased fat.

10. Drinking alcohol makes it difficult to burn fat:

If you are drinking alcohol, you are likely to gain more weight. Firstly, alcohol is calorie-laden hence leads to weight gain. 

Secondly, it is accompanied by high-fat foods such as nuts, fried stuff like French fries leading to more weight gain.  


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