Hazardous Side Effects Of Fat Burner For Women You Must Read About

With every new year dawning its bright light, most of us women start working on our new year resolutions and losing weight probably holds the topmost priority on that list of promises to ourselves.

The first week of the new starts with workouts and eating-clean schedules which within no time give way to other priorities or mere laziness, and that is when the easy way outcomes into the picture in the form of the fat burner for women.

Mostly, crash diets are short-lived and the weight lost through this comes back within no time. Even heavy workouts do not survive for a long time! Then what does one do?

As is suggested by the name itself, the fat burner for women claims to accelerate weight loss to a high speed.

Most fat burners for women contain Ephedrine, which actually has various side effects and is even known to be addictive in nature.

Fat burners for women are mostly available in tablet form in the market, which today is flooded with a fat burner for women pills manufactured by various companies.

Fat burner for women works on three basic principles

  • Appetite Suppression
  • Blocking of Fat
  • Increase in Metabolism

Impacts of fat burners for women have on the body and mind alike.

1. Brings Anxiety

The fat burner for women in most cases, increases the level of cortisol, essentially a stress hormone.

This increases the feeling of stress and anxiety in women.

2. Causes insomnia

Fat burner for women use substances like Ephedrine and caffeine which are known to cause an increase in heart rate and abnormally high metabolism that ends up hampering your sleep pattern, which in the long run gives way to Insomnia.

3. Increases blood pressure

The fat burner for women works on the principle of increasing the body temperature which fastens out metabolic rate and causes the fat to burn faster than usual.

4. Dehydrates the body

Fat burner for women also enhance the chances of dehydration in the users, especially during the hot weather.

When the fat burner substances like Ephedrine and caffeine accelerate the weight loss process, more heat is generated in the body which causes dehydration in the body.

5. May even cause death

In the worst cases, there even have been instances of death due to overuse or long term use of fat burner for women.

In 2003, the FDA had to ban the use of fat burners that contained Ephedrine

Here are the common side-effects of the fat burner for women. This includes insomnia, anxiety and even serious outcomes like death. So beware of these pills.

Life is simple and should not be complicated by the use of such complex and unhealthy substances, which can take a long term toll on your health.

So eat healthy and nutritious food, exercise and be happy.

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READ MORE: Hazardous Side Effects Of Fat Burner For Women You Must Read About


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