Can You Lose Weight With Raisins? Learn Health Benefits Of Munakka!

Wondering how food such as munakka dry fruit help in weight loss over exercise?
So let us get to know what are the hidden benefits of raisins for weight loss.
What good does the munakka hold that obese must implement in their weight loss regime? Not many are fond of this as they are a little out of shape and weird with their appearance.

Not judging the fruit by its cover, you must know that there are a lot of health benefits of raisins or munakka.

What is Munakka?

Commonly called “raisins”, grown mostly in the Mediterranean region of the world and preferred to be eaten raw than cooked.
A dried grape which has all its water content removed by different drying processes.

Raisins Nutrition

A quarter cup, say 21 grams of raisins has about 120 calories which is much higher than that of a basic fruit- apple which is only 52 cals/100g. This is because of its reduction in its water content making it calorie dense.

Raisin Nutrition Enhances Bone Health too

Obesity and Osteoporosis are both interconnected terms. Obese people are known to break more bones than normal individuals. The main reason behind this is that the bones are carrying an exorbitant amount of weight than the programmed capacity.
A quick fix for this is ‘Raisins’. Raisins are a rich source of calcium, strengthening our bones and teeth it also helps in putting a stop to the brittle bone disease.

Contains the micronutrient boron which aids in the quick absorption of calcium into the bones and consists of oleanolic acid which is a remedy for tooth decay, cavities, gingivitis,  .etc.

Boosts Energy Supply

Exhausted after your daily workout? Raisins are a great source of energy. Raisins are charged with natural sugars like Glucose and Fructose.
Munakka boasts of an impressive nutrient profile of vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin K; and Minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphorous, and Selenium.
Munakka dry fruit also provides antioxidants such as polyphenol, phenolic acid and tannins. They break up in the body to give energy, strength and make you push an extra hour at work.

Raisins’ Benefit for Weight Loss and Health

  • Consumption of Munakka helps in controlling blood sugar level, insulin levels in such a way contributing to a reduced risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes .
  • It helps in the normal functioning of the heart and keeping heart ailment at bay. A scientific probe has also corroborated major health benefits of munakka. Raisins munakka supports lower blood sugar levels and can be an excellent substitute for processed snacks.
  • Here is one of the reasons for raisins benefits for weight loss. Raisins have pigments called anthocyanins -an important antioxidant with having anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Not only the external inflammations but the internal ones too are wiped clean, all thanks to munakka dry fruit.

Fight Back Weight Loss

  • For the best raisin weight loss effect, combine it with a rich source of protein or fat. Your quarter cup serving of raisins has about 13 grams of sugar which jack up your glycemic index.
  • And a higher glycemic index food triggers the insulin in the body thereby breaking the food at a faster rate than at the normal phase, leaving you craving for more food.
  • So you can prepare a natural sweet dish with cottage cheese and munakka to bring a proportion in the macronutrient content in your diet.

For the health freaks out there, raisins can be used as an alternative to your oil dressing on your favourite salads. Such great are the benefits of raisins that it can be used as a replacement for sugar in sweets.


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