10 Indian Foods For Type 2 Diabetes Prevention And Control

A Diabetes Diet plays a crucial role in dealing with the disease. Hence it is very important to know which foods can help. A typical diet plan for type 2 diabetes should contain healthy fruits and veggies.

Superfoods for Type 2 Diabetes patients

Here is the ultimate list of superfoods that are easily available and apt to control diabetes with Indian foods. The best part is, they are highly nutritious and are beneficial in not just bringing down the sugar level down but also bringing up the health quotient.

1. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds or methi seeds are one of the top superfoods for diabetes mellitus prevention and control. Studies have found that fenugreek helps lower the blood sugar by affecting the rate of digestion of starch and other carbs.

2. Psyllium Seeds

Psyllium husk is one the major foods for diabetes that you can incorporate in the diet. In the digestive system, viscous fibres present in psyllium husk absorb water and swells to form a thick, jelly-like mass.

3. Millets

The Millets are a group of small seed grasses grown in semi-dry areas of Asia and Africa. millets are all a rich source of magnesium, a mineral which is extremely important for starch digestion.

4. Bitter gourd

Karela or Bitter gourd  has been known to be one of the oldest natural remedies for controlling high blood sugar levels.

Research has found karela to have at least 3 naturally active substances which seem to have high glucose lowering properties.

They are charantin, vicine, and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p

5. Oats

Ever wonder why oatmeal is so good for people with Type 2 Diabetes and even weight loss? It’s because it’s loaded with soluble fibre which, when mixed with water, forms a paste.

Just as it sticks to your bowl, it also forms a gummy barrier between the digestive enzymes in your stomach and the starch molecules in your meal.

6. Seeds

We love eating watermelon, muskmelon but throw away the seeds. You will be surprised to know that their seeds in addition to some others have immense nutrients.

While you might not be able to eat them along with the fruit, you can instead grind them and mix it with some food/drink item.

7. Brown rice

we are largely dependent on rice, brown rice can be amazing to control diabetes with Indian food. Unlike white rice, brown rice is highly nutritious.

It is a source of important mineral selenium, which is an antioxidant and supports thyroid health. It is one of the best sources of the mineral manganese, which helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system.

8. Quinoa

It is said to have a high ratio of protein to carbohydrate and provides all the essential amino acids our body can’t make on its own. It provides 8 grams of protein in a cup and hence a significant vegetarian source.

Being gluten-free, quinoa is well tolerated by everyone. Its high potassium content makes it an ideal food not only for diabetes mellitus but also for hypertension or high blood pressure.

9. Cinnamon

Common spices recommended for Type 2 Diabetes control is cinnamon. Some studies have shown cinnamon to help reduce blood sugar levels by lowering insulin resistance.

In a study, 1-6 grams of cinnamon was shown to reduce cholesterol levels by 18% and blood sugar levels by 24%.

10. Legumes

This low-fat, low-calorie, high-fiber, high-protein food helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The fiber slows the release of glucose into your bloodstream, which prevents the blood sugar spikes that worsen diabetes blood sugar control and make you feel hungry. Legumes are good weight loss friends too.


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