Is It Better To Have Whole Eggs Or Just Egg Whites For Weight Loss?

We all know how the egg white benefits weight loss, however, have you been giving up the yolk completely? A big part of healthy breakfast is eggs and we all know the importance of a fulfilling breakfast for weight loss. Whether you like eggs hard or soft boiled; poached or fried; Spanish or a French omelette, egg protein content and nutritional content are too hard to overlook. ‘Do I eat a whole egg with the yolk or just the egg whites’. You must have heard that the protein and calories in egg white are much superior to that present in egg yolk. And that, the big bone of contention for the egg yolk is the presence of cholesterol and fat. The Protein content of the egg Egg whites are the protein dominant part of the egg! Having said that, the whole egg has a higher content of protein than just the whites. Sample this, while egg white provides 7% of protein, whole eggs have 10% of the protein in them. Nutritional Value of Whole Egg vs 2 Egg Whites Nutrien...