Benefits of Breastfeeding

Benefits ranging from high nutritional content, a rich source of immunoglobulins for strong immunity, bone health, and brain health- undoubtedly, makes breastfeeding a double blessing for the child- from mother and mother nature. But, not only the infant but also the mother, who is breastfeeding, procure several health benefits. A mother who exclusively breastfeeds her newly born child has lesser chances of cancer. This is due to the fact that during the lactation phase, the hormonal imbalance is very low accompanied by low estrogen levels due to the absence of ovulation. The studies have shown the importance of lactation in preventing the chances of osteoporosis as well. During lactation phase, calcium requirement increases which result in its absorption from mother’s bones. This is counteracted by higher levels of Vitamin D , Growth hormone, prolactin, and Parathyroid hormone. Also, breastfeeding promotes healthy child spacing by the method LAM (Lactational Amenorrhea Method) w...