The Nutritional Reason Behind Hair Fall

Hair fall!! A very common problem that everyone faces. Majorly, it is due to genetic reasons but can also be attributed to seasonal changes, some metabolic fluctuation, medication or even nutritional deficiencies. Normally, around 100–150 hair are lost per day but sometimes when hair fall is greater than hair growth or due to the growth of scar tissues in place of a healthy hair follicle, the hair fall is abnormally high and needs immediate attention.
The market is covered with a number of oils, gels, and other cosmetics. TV and newspapers are plastered with advertisements of such hair-gain solutions. But as the matter of fact, why to search for answers outside when remedy lies right on our plate? Awareness of right food options having the right nutrients to be consumed at right time can make a difference. Following are the essential nutrients that can help in reducing hair-fall, if consumed daily.
B- complex vitamins
B- complex vitamins which are water soluble vitamins, help in reducing the hair fall and occurrence of weak and damaged hair. The best sources are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Another nutrient that helps in lowering the rate of hair fall along with the reduction in its brittleness is Copper which is found in seeds like sesame seeds, nuts like cashew nuts and almonds, poultry products and seafood.
Iron is the nutrient that works at the root level keeping the follicles strong. Its deficiency can cause poor blood circulation that causes hair fall. Include iron-rich sources like spinach, legumes like soya bean, kidney bean, and lean meats like chicken and egg.
Vitamin C
To add onto this list, another nutrient of vital importance is Vitamin C, that builds up the collagen, which in turn, assures strong scalp and hair follicles. Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, berries are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Its regular consumption ensures shiny and healthy hair.
When it comes to macronutrient, Protein is the main nutrient that ensures healthy bodybuilding and cell growth. Its deficiency causes hair discolouration, thinning and brittleness as well. Protein-rich sources like lean meat, dairy products, eggs, legumes, and nuts, assure healthy hair growth with reduced hair fall.
Including vital nutrients in your diet on regular basis can assure healthy scalp with regular blood circulation ensuring healthy and voluminous hair.


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