Benefits of Breastfeeding

Benefits ranging from high nutritional content, a rich source of immunoglobulins for strong immunity, bone health, and brain health- undoubtedly, makes breastfeeding a double blessing for the child- from mother and mother nature. But, not only the infant but also the mother, who is breastfeeding, procure several health benefits. A mother who exclusively breastfeeds her newly born child has lesser chances of cancer. This is due to the fact that during the lactation phase, the hormonal imbalance is very low accompanied by low estrogen levels due to the absence of ovulation.

​The studies have shown the importance of lactation in preventing the chances of osteoporosis as well. During lactation phase, calcium requirement increases which result in its absorption from mother’s bones. This is counteracted by higher levels of Vitamin D, Growth hormone, prolactin, and Parathyroid hormone.

Also, breastfeeding promotes healthy child spacing by the method LAM (Lactational Amenorrhea Method) which is the hormonal secretion as stimulated by an infant’s suckling that suppresses ovulation. This is effective for the first 6 months post delivery or till the arrival of the menstrual cycle. Breastfeeding also assists and accelerate the process of Postpartum weight loss due to the release of Oxytocin hormone, which is responsible for reshaping of uterus along with calorie incineration i.e burning of calories due to food supply from mother to baby, bringing the mother original to her pre-pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding the baby is even economical as compared to the market milk formulas which are expensive and not healthy as well. Along with all these aspects, the bonding between mother and baby is unexplainable which gets stronger.

Food that can Increase Breast Milk Quality and Flow

To achieve all these aspects, it is necessary to ensure healthy, good quality and ample supply of milk from mother to baby. A nurturing mother should ensure to eat healthy, timely with the consumption of specific foods like oats in form of porridge to provide high-quality fiber, beta- glucan, vegetables like carrots, spinach and beans that supply good vitamins like beta-carotene, Vitamin C, K and folic acid, herbs like ginger powder, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds that boost up the secretion of milk and grains like barley that not only increase the milk secretion but also keeps one hydrated and therefore, prevents dehydration, loss of electrolytes and even, keeps blood pressure in check. Also, nuts and seeds should be consumed daily that helps in providing an essential supply of omega-3 fats like EPA and DHA which is a very crucial nutrient for brain development and healthy functioning.

Please check the link below to know more Benefits of Breastfeeding


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