7 foods to add in the high blood pressure diet

High blood pressure refers to the pressure on the arterial walls that if remains unchecked, can also lead to heart-related issues, Kidney diseases, and even stroke. The condition of high blood pressure or hypertension arises when there is an imbalance of electrolytes with higher sodium level. To avoid the increment in the blood pressure, proper diet and exercise are the key factors. The diet should be rich in fibre and minerals like potassium and magnesium that helps in lowering and maintaining the elevated blood pressure. A specific DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet is generally recommended which focus on the inclusion and exclusion of food items.

The DASH diet basically encourages the consumption of fruits and vegetables which are high in fibre, potassium along with good intake of protein. It restricts the consumption of high fat, cholesterol, and foods rich in sodium. Therefore, foods like whole grains, fruits and, low-fat dairy products like curd, milk, paneer etc, legumes, lean meat and nuts, and seeds. Whereas food products having high fat, cholesterol, sugar or salt (high sodium) in baked, packaged foods should be avoided completely. Along with that, some major food items should be an integral part of your diet designed with the aim of lowering high blood pressure.

 Major Food Items for lowering high blood pressure


Banana, being an excellent source of potassium, should be an integral part of your diet as in breakfast or even as a snack.

Green leafy vegetables

 Similarly, green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collard greens and lettuce, are the very good source of potassium and also helps in excretion of extra sodium from the kidney in form of urine.

Pomegranate and Berries 

Fruits like pomegranate and berries also help in lowering the high blood pressure attributing to its mineral and phytonutrient content specifically the flavonoid content. These fruits can be consumed with porridge and cereals, mixing with other fruits or low-fat milk.

Dark Chocolate

Studies have suggested the significant role of dark chocolate in correcting the condition of hypertension.


The good and healthy fats like omega 3 fats should be consumed in form of nuts like walnuts, almond, seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and

Olive Oil

oils like olive oil, that keeps a check on cholesterol level, increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) level in the blood.
The Bottom Lines is that the inclusion of healthy food options with better awareness of what to include and exclude can help in preventing and checking the severity of hypertension.
Please follow the link below to know more about .. 7 foods to add in the high blood pressure diet
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