9 pointers to save you from flaunting that beer belly

Drinking beer in excess amount or at frequent intervals causes fat accumulation specifically around the abdomen area. This refers to Beer Belly. This condition is seen more in man as they have a genetic tendency to attain the apple-shaped physique with overconsumption of empty calories with a sedentary lifestyle to worsen the situation. If unchecked, can lead to non-communicable diseases like hypertension, diabetes, CVDs and even stroke. If you are habitual of daily consumption of beer accompanied with high-calorie snacks, then, it is around 150+ calories that are been consumed. Additionally, this intake is not all providing any nutrient content but mere empty calories. This is the reason that the belly bulging, in this case, is not easy to get rid of and requires serious steps with commitment. Studies have proven that fat accumulation around the abdominal area is more life-threatening for heart health and the concerned person has more chances of heart attack and strokes.

Causes of the beer belly

Though apart from consumption of alcoholic beverages, other factors also impact belly bulging. Genetics is a very important factor that determines the fat accumulation. Similarly, the gender is an important factor as the man have the tendency to attain apple-shaped physique (more fat on abdomen area) and women have a tendency for pear-shaped physique (fat around hip area). Weight gain is also witnessed with growing age. This is attributed to slowing down of metabolism that encourages of more of fat accumulation. Similarly, unhealthy eating habits and nil physical activity is the prominent reason for increased weight, fat accumulation and ultimately, suffering from metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper steps and even little steps can make a lot of healthy difference in your life.

Drink One Glass of Water per Beer
Keep yourself hydrated which is not only confined to quench your thirst but fulfilling the body’s minimum requirement for efficient metabolism.
Eat Healthy Food
Secondly, always eat healthy food with a right balance of macronutrients especially the carbs and protein with fibre. This makes sure that you are not starving still making sure to have an extra accumulation and boosted up metabolism.

Walk, Walk and Walk

Secondly, always eat healthy food with a right balance of macronutrients especially the carbs and protein with fibre. This makes sure that you are not starving still making sure to have an extra accumulation and boosted up metabolism.
Ditch the Beer for 2 Weeks
Also, the most important step that must be taken is reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages to 3 times a week and then, cutting down to no alcohol, for around week or two. This helps in mobilization of accumulated fat, better insulin hormone sensitivity and paced up metabolism.

Stay Away from Temptation

Last but not the least, control your temptation or craving for high-calorie foods like baked, processed and packaged, fried and high sugar, salt content food.

Please follow the link below to know more about the 9 pointers to save you from flaunting that beer belly


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