International Women’s Day: Working Women And Their Fight Against The Causes Of PCOS

While in the struggle to set a balance between work and family life, a woman of today’s generation is really keeping her health at stake. The busy lifestyle and coping with all responsibilities is compromised with unhealthy eating and irregular meals. This is the reason that women-specific disorder PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is emerging as the most prevalent silent killer., affecting 1 out of every 10 women in India. PCOS is characterized by irregular hormonal balance and high secretion of male sex hormone i.e. androgen.

Why are working women majorly affected

The major reason for this imbalance is stress that affects the hormone secretion via regulation of ACTH which stimulates the adrenal gland to secrete more of stress hormone- cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Simultaneously, it also causes the abnormal secretion of the precursor hormone DHEA leading to higher level of androgen in the female body.

This results in symptoms like irregular menses, facial and body hair, acne and pimples. Its serious implications include complications like hypertension, anxiety, irritability, diabetes, sleep apnea and cancer.

4 Common causes of PCOS

Apart from stress, unhealthy eating, sedentary lifestyle, genetic and dysfunctional ovaries can also lead to PCOS.

Effects of PCOS on fertility

The PCOS is the major reason for infertility or delayed conception as it affects the women of reproductive age the most. Therefore, it’s timely diagnosis is very much essential which can be done by blood test (to check hormone level), pelvic exam (to detect any abnormal growth) or ultrasound (to check any abnormality in ovary or uterus). As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, it is always better to focus on taking preventive and corrective measures at right time.

Can polycystic ovary syndrome be treated?

Proper diet with an efficient balance between macronutrients, regular exercise is the foremost thing to consider for lowering and maintaining a healthy weight.

Also, proper sleep pattern along with practices like yoga and meditation has also been proved to be of great help to reduce the stress and leading a healthy, composed life. These small practices on regular basis can make a huge difference. After all, health is wealth.


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