Truweight’s Weight Loss Program Can Help Manage Diabetes With Diet

With India, being the diabetic capital of the world, it’s high time to switch to sustainable results rather than seeking for instant outcomes. As increased weight is one of the main reason of high prevalence of insulin resistance and consequently, diabetes, sustainable solution is the new raga.
Therefore, a diet plan, targeting on weight loss, is an ideal approach for long term results, with efficient management of diabetes.
1. The inclusion of Low- glycemic index or GI foods:
Include food items having low GI value like whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These are beneficial as encourage slow release of glucose into bloodstream.
2. Elimination of simple carbs:
Besides that, avoid the consumption of simple carbs like refined flour, related baked goods and sweetened beverages. These form of carbs are rapidly digested in the body with inefficient utilization, resulting in its accumulation.
3. Have good fats:
Omega-3- fats are good fats and should be consumed. Studies have shown to omega-3- fatty acids help in improving the functioning of the beta cells and also helps in improving the insulin sensitivity.
4. The inclusion of micronutrients:
Another factor of major focus is to include more of fruits and vegetables, rich in micronutrients, that function as cofactor, regulating metabolic processes efficiently.
At Truweight, a diabetes-based diet plan comprises of elements like- Superfoods, complex carbs, high protein as well as Omega-3 fats. The diet plan is designed by an expert, placing all the components in a balanced way, in tune with an individual’s lifestyle and medical condition. And its been scientifically proven with the study conducted on 55 NIDDM subjects at Truweight.
With the ideology of “Food is the best medicine”, diet plan and superfoods were given to the subjects. The results showed a significant weight loss in a span of 3 months with improved blood sugar level at both fasting and Postprandial stage.
When we aim at eradicating the root cause, rather than just the symptoms, the output is sustainable with nil side effects. And that defines the quality.
For more details on Truweight’s Weight Loss Program Can Help Manage Diabetes With Diet please visit the link mentioned below:
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