How To Maintain Healthy Weight When You Have High Cholesterol

High blood cholesterol level is a common concern that every second person is fearful of. With unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, the body doesn’t find a medium to expend all the high calories been consumed, resulting in its accumulation as fat reservoirs. This leads to elevated levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL in blood. At this point, losing weight becomes an issue of crucial importance for the reduction and maintenance of elevated blood cholesterol levels.


The easiest, impactful and right way to achieve a healthy weight with high cholesterol is- lifestyle modification.
First and foremost aspect that contributes to 70-80% of your health is a dietary modification. Include healthy nutrients like
  • Good fats like omega 3 fats, MUFA, and PUFA as present in nuts, seeds, and seafood
  • High protein sources like legumes, dairy products, and lean meat
  • Complex carbs as present in whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Avoid junk food, processed foods
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid alcohol consumption


Now, when we have an idea about the calorie intake, the medium for calorie expenditure also has to be determined on a priority basis. It can be in forms of any physical activity like a brisk walk, exercise, gyming, yoga or even dance form to be performed for at least 20 minutes a day. This helps to prevent the calorie accumulation as an extra fat and thus, helps in the maintenance of healthy weight.
  • brisk walk
  • exercise
  • gyming
  • yoga
  • dance form
The most important aspect to consider is always to be positive. Surround yourself with positive people, follow your hobby, do not be strict on to yourself. A stress-free mind is a key to the stress-free body, that along with diet and physical activity causes efficient physiological functioning.

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