5 Reasons Why Weight Loss Through Sabja Seeds Is A Good Idea

      Sabja seeds are the edible part from a flowering plant of Lamiaceae family.These are elliptical and jet black in appearance and have Indian and Mediterranean origin. Unlike chia seeds, sabja seeds have basil like flavor that assist in weight loss.

1. Essential Fatty Acids in Sabja Seeds Promotes Weight Loss

The Sabja seeds have high content of essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, linolenic acid and oleic acid. This balanced combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acidhelps in reducing inflammation and accelerating the metabolic process, attributing to inch loss and weight loss.

2. Dietary Fibre of Sabja Seeds for Weight loss

Also, the Sabja seeds are excellent source of dietary fibre, 34.86 gram per 100 gram, specifically polysaccharides which results in providing satiety value, preventing overeating, stimulating bowel movement and lowering the elevated levels of blood cholesterol.

3. Sabja Seeds helps in controlling appetite

This same high fibre content is also responsible for suppressing appetite by providing bulk. This is due to its high water absorption capacity that results in size increment up to 4 folds.

4. Sabja Seeds Normalizes Blood Sugar

The sabja or basil seeds, also assist in weight loss by regulating the blood sugar level. Studies have suggested that due to gelling tendency, the sabja seeds slows down the enzymatic activity with slow release of sugar into blood.

5. Sabja Seeds are Low Cal & High Nutrient Substance

Add soaked sabja seeds to your healthy beverages and food items while extracting nutritional benefits to be fit and active.
For more details on 5 Reasons Why Weight Loss Through Sabja Seeds Is A Good Idea please check the link below :
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