Here are some of the reasons why excessive alcohol consumption leads to weight gain.

It causes fat accumulation around certain specific body regions that varies with age and gender. A man has a tendency to accumulate fat around the belly area while in a woman, fat is accumulated around the hip area. Also, with increasing age, the pace of metabolism slows down.
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a significant weight gain and high prevalence of high BMI with exceeding consumption of alcohol.
Another reason is the ‘empty calorie’ content in alcohol which, if, not compensated with an active lifestyle, results in its accumulation and storage in form of glycogen and fat. Also, if the snacks, chosen to go with alcohol, if not chosen wisely, also leads to unhealthy eating which leads to weight increment.

Including a few tips can make a huge difference in your scheme to lose weight with no further gain in weight.

1.Drink slow and steady

The slow and steady way of consuming alcohol is the best way of ensuring that the body is getting enough time for its metabolism providing satiety value simultaneously.

2. Be mindful of accompaniments

Also, chose the accompaniments wisely, with more of roasted and grilled options rather than fried and empty carbs one.

3. Drink water before, during and after

Another important aspect to consider is the diuretic property of the alcohol, which can result in dehydration. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a good amount of water before, during and after consuming alcohol that will help in preventing dehydration and keeping your metabolism active.

4. Eat proteins

If possible, have alcohol with protein-rich meals or snacks that help in providing satiety value with lowering down the rate of alcohol absorption by 40 per cent into the bloodstream. Hence, reducing the extent of potential damage caused by alcohol onto vital organs.
To know more about How drinking excessive alcohol can lead to weight gain .. please follow the following BLOG ...

How drinking excessive alcohol can lead to weight gain



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