12 Amazing Antioxidant Foods You Must Include In The Diet!

Well, you are no stranger to antioxidants! They are everywhere; not just in the diet but also in anti-aging creams, oils, lotions, soaps etc! 

But while you may have known the antioxidant foods to consume for a good skin, (read anti-aging) very well, there are so much to these nutrients!

Our article will speak about what are the antioxidant foods to eat, antioxidant food benefits, and how to maximize it among others!

What are Antioxidants and Where are they Found?

Simply put, they help quench free radicals. Antioxidants are the water to the fire that is free radicals.

Oxygen is one such element which is beneficial but also results in the free radical generation.

Antioxidants are nothing but vitamins, minerals or even enzymes which neutralize these free radicals.

Although there are many sources, we are listing down the top 12 antioxidant foods available in India you can include in the diet!

List Of Top 12 Antioxidant Foods

    1. Berries like blueberries, goji berries
    2. Nuts and seeds like almonds,
    3. Dark green leafy veggies
    4. Bright colored vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, tomato, pumpkin
    5. Green tea
    6. Certain herbs like clove, cinnamon
    7. Whole grains
    8. Seafood and Fish
    9. Beans and pulses
    10. Dark Chocolate
    11. Onion and garlic.
    12. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.
    Whoever said you need the best antioxidant supplements that are pricey when you have natural antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables.

    Top 12 antioxidant foods for Indians to include in the weight loss diet for better health benefits. What are antioxidants & where to get them in the diet?

    Read More: https://truweight.in/blog/food-and-nutrition/antioxidant-foods-weight-loss-diet-health-benefits.html


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