Benefits Of Papaya For Weight Loss, Diabetes, Skin And Lot More

Papaya/Pawpaw is a powerhouse of nutrients which is low in calories but very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Its vitamin content can fulfil almost half of the vitamin c daily requirement. Besides being a tasty fruit, there are many benefits of papaya that brought this fruit up on our health radar.

What nutrients are in papaya?

One small papaya (152 grams) has:

Calories: 59.
Carbohydrates: 15 grams.
Fiber: 3 grams.
Protein: 1 gram.
Vitamin C: 157% of the RDI.
Vitamin A: 33% of the RDI.
Folate (Vitamin B9): 14% of the RDI.
Potassium: 11% of the RDI.
Trace amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E and K.

Health benefits of papaya that you may not have known

1. Papaya benefits indigestion:

Papaya contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme helps a great deal in digesting protein effectively.
Moreover, eating papaya can even prevent constipation. It has high fiber content that helps in digestion too.

2. Papaya benefits the heart:

Papaya is rich in antioxidant vitamins that help in keeping the heart healthy.

It has vitamin A, C and E which prevent clogging of arteries. Also, papaya is rich in phytonutrients.

3. Papaya benefits against cancer:

The enzyme papain in papaya is found to prevent the growth of cancer cells by significantly attacking the coating on cancer cells.

Moreover, the antioxidant vitamins and phytonutrients in papaya are found to work against free radicals. This protects the body from cancer.
                       Papaya benefits against Cancer

Researches in laboratories have shown that dried papaya leaves produce anticarcinogenic effects.
Papaya leaf extracts when exposed on certain cancer-affected cells, the results were found the cells showing slowed down tumour growth.

4. Papaya benefits body immunity:

Papaya also helps in boosting body’s immunity. The presence of antioxidants in papaya helps in improving the immunity system of the body and hence helps it fight against many diseases.

5. Papaya benefits against diabetes:

Although it is often sweet in taste, papaya can be great for diabetic people. The reasons to support this are its low sugar content and low glycemic index (it is basically a measure of how foods affect blood glucose levels).

Also, it not only helps people with diabetes, including it in diet can actually help to prevent diabetes.

6. Papaya benefits weight loss:

Are you trying to lose weight? Then you got to add papaya to your diet because:

  • Papayas are low in calories while rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • They contain antioxidants that burn down calories as well as extra fat deposits in your body.
  • Papayas are rich in dietary fibres. Thus, eating a bowl of papaya cubes can make you feel full for a longer time. Hence, you will be snacking less and maintaining weight more.

7. Papaya benefits people with arthritis:

An enzyme, chymopapain, found in papaya is very effective in preventing rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Papayas have anti-inflammatory properties that prevent arthritis. Moreover, the vitamin C content in papaya prevents osteoarthritis of knees.

8. Papaya benefits for eyes:

The richness in Vitamin A is a major factor in making papaya beneficial for eyes. Papaya keeps the eyes healthy as well as help in improving eyesight issues in adults.

So if you are finding difficulties in finding things, have some papaya servings to improve your eyesight!

So now that you are well aware of the amazing benefits of papaya, go and try some interesting ways to include papaya into your daily diet.

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