17 Kgs Down Dhananjay Found A New Confidence Through Truweight

17 Kgs Down Dhananjay Found A New Confidence Through Truweight

Climbing the weighing scale with hopeful eyes, sieving the internet for weight watchers’ recipes, counting our morsels, saying hello to our favourite sweets from an arm’s distance… probably we have done it all hoping for our weight goal prayers to be answered.
1. Include Green Tea in Your DietThe fact that green tea contains catechins, which are known as metabolism enhancing antioxidants, makes green tea an extremely healthy beverage to be included in our daily diet.
2. Cut Your Sugar aka Empty Calorie IntakeCutting back on sugar in your diet is a very crucial step towards weight loss.
Sugary foods and drinks are sources of empty calories which have the capability of completely crushing your weight loss goals and achievements
3. Limit Your Dining-Out DaysMost yummy dishes we excitedly order for while in a restaurant taste great on the buds but last for a long time on the butts! Sounds funny but it really IS true!
Eating out the outside food which is high in oil, spices worst of all, preservatives are totally disastrous for your weight goals.
4. Watch Your Salt IntakeLike sugar, over intake of salt also causes much harm to our weight loss program.
While the recommended daily value of sodium intake for human beings of a maximum of 2,400 milligrams, we often tend to not only exceed this amount but consume almost double this amount DAILY!
5. Get Enough SleepIt may sound too easy a trick but yes, it is true. Sleep is a crucial factor which helps you lose weight.
Being sleep deprived slows down your metabolic rate and might induce sugar and untimely snack cravings in your mind [4].
6. Do Not Skip Meals And Give Processed Food A PassWhile we may think that skipping meals help weight loss, the fact is that skipping meals slows down your metabolic rate.
This will make your body burn lesser calories in order to conserve the energy and thus deposition of unwanted kilos of on your body [5].
7. Include Iron Rich Food In Your DietIron is an element which is responsible for carrying oxygen to your cells and this boosts your metabolism. You can get your required iron intake from food such as soya nuts, beetroot and liver [6].
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