What is Obesity and What are its Causes?

Obesity is a condition where your body weight very high when compared to your height.
It is very popularly measured with BMI as the basic barometer.
BMI is Body Mass Index and it is the statistics where your body weight and height comes into the picture.
So a person of BMI greater than 30 Kg/m2 is considered to be as Obese.
The two basic causes behind Obesity lies in the fact that, when the body consumes fat which is more than required and when it gets involved in the physical activity less than required. Let us get into the depth

1. Energy imbalance

Obesity has a high connection between consuming high calorie and high energy foods. High energy foods are the one which has a high content of fats and sugar. These foods will come in the form of processed food, aerated drinks, restaurant food and

2.Unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices

A well said quote “Early to Bed and early to Rise makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise”. Yes, a disciplined lifestyle is very important for good health. It’s said that all the diseases start from the stomach. So it is very important to eat food at the right time, in the right quantity and above all with the right quality.
And also, we need to sleep at the right time. Following all these Disciplines will benefit in many ways, avoiding many diseases like acidity and indigestion which is the base of many diseases.


Hormones play a great role in maintaining your weight. If you know, Thyroid controls the rate of metabolism. It influences, the body’s ability to utilize body fat.
Also, insulin is the hormone that regulates blood glucose level and also stores energy in the form of fat. Hence hormones have a lot to do with Obesity and only a proper diet can help them to function properly.
As per the research it is found that for most of the Obese patient, the high weight gain was inherited. Also there is a high chance to gain weight in an atmosphere where high-calorie foods are highly welcomed which are not balanced by enough physical activities.
Please follow the Link below to know more about What is Obesity and what are its causes?


#WorldObesityDay #weightstigma #weightbias #obesitycauses #obesitytreatment


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