Why Fat Acceptance Movement Is Not Good For Your Health

What is the Fat Acceptance Movement and The Why of Fat Acceptance Movement
Fat acceptance movement is accepting the fact that it is “ok” to be fat because one should accept their body shape and should not be ashamed of it. It nurtures a feel-good state of living and does not makes the fat person feel negative about being fat. It keeps them away from the unnecessary stress and the social body shaming.
Good For Self Confidence But Not For Health
There are tonnes of reasons for why people have accepted the “Fat Acceptance Movement”. As we say that “Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction”, so first of all the body shaming and bullying causes a lot of negative impact on a fat person and instead of losing weight they focus on not being ashamed of the body shape. Not accepting their own self is what they feel is they are doing for themselves. They want to get released from the unnecessary everyday stress and the “Fat Acceptance Movement” develops a positive environment against Fat Stigma.
Another reason is that losing willpower to lose weight. There won’t be any fat person on the earth who hasn’t tried to lose weight. After trying many ways like going to gyms or going through the dieting process, there is no weight loss and thus, they give up on losing weight.
Unawareness of the fact that Obesity can cause many diseases and health issues. This is one of the major causes and people really do not make serious attempt to lose weight until they get any harmful disease.
As discussed that “Fat Acceptance Movement” helps you from keeping you away from all the negativity against body shaming but in the negative side, it is paving the way for many diseases and health problems.
There are many fat people who would, at last, give up by making many attempts to lose weight. But they do not realize that they must have gone through wrong or ineffective ways to lose weight.
Hence they take the support of “Fat Acceptance Movement” as an escape. But they must realise that Obesity can host a number of harmful diseases. Hence “Fat Acceptance Movement”  is not good for health at all.
For more details on Why Fat Acceptance Movement Is Not Good For Your Health .. please find the link below ….
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