Anupam Lost More Than 15 Kgs & Fought High Sugar Levels In Just 7 Months

Anupam Bhatnagar is a 55 years old Delhi based man from service background. Along with an overweight, Anupam was also facing high blood sugar levels and high BP issues before joining Truweight.

Q1) What health problems (if any) were you facing before you approached Truweight?

Well, I was deep in all kind of troubles such as high sugar, high BP and breathing problems. I was also very low in stamina that made me fatigue very easily. Also, I could find myself falling asleep while driving, which was very dangerous.

Q2) How has Truweight been different from other weight loss companies you went/tried before?

In order to lose weight, I had tried Mono Diet, taken up GYM sessions as well as tried different Ayurvedic Treatments. But nothing really worked and all those diets and workout sessions became monotonous and boring soon.
This made me lose all interest in and hence, fail to lose weight again and again. Truweight was like a breath of fresh air. They do not make you starve and face any food craving.

Q3) What was the best thing you liked about Truweight?

Superfoods and variety of food plans are the best things in the Truweight program. The Superfood kit has a variety of items which keeps the interest alive in the program.

Q4) How do you feel after losing all that weight? Has your health, confidence, fitness levels improved after you lost weight?

I feel fantastic, full of confidence and elated, I changed my wardrobe with new measurement

Q5) What is your take on Superfoods

Truweight’s superfoods have it all! From Wow – Drinks, snacks to healthy soups. These superfoods keep you full and healthy all day long. It has all the essential healthier items that help to keep your energy level at the top.

Q6) Your 3 tips for weight loss

1: Maintain discipline in your food habits.
2: Follow regular workouts
3: Keep yourself Hydrated.
For more details on Anupam Lost More Than 15 Kgs & Fought High Sugar Levels In Just 7 Months … please follow the link
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#whathappenswhenyourbloodsugaristoohigh #highbloodsugarlevelschart


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