What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight?

What is the definition of obese and overweight?
A person whose weight is greater than what it’s called a healthy weight for the same height then that person is called “Obese” or “Overweight”.
“Overweight” and “Obesity” also fall in the weight ranges that might cause the occurrence of some other diseases and health problems.

Difference between overweight and obesity?
So, how are being overweight and being obese differentiated? The difference between overweight and obese essentially is the BMI.
BMI is the Body Mass Index, and it is measured as the ratio of your weight and height. Precisely, BMI is an individual’s weight in kilograms divided by his/her height squared in meters.
The difference between Obesity and Overweight is literally 0.1BMI. A person whose weight ranges between the scale of 25-29.9 is considered as “Overweight” and if a person’s BMI is 30 Kg/m2 or higher than that then the person is considered to be “Obese”.

Overweight vs obese BMI chart

Did you know that there’s also a difference between overweight vs. obese vs. morbidly obese? This chart below will help you.
Risk of disease w.r.t. normal waist and weight circumference
State of healthBMI
Men 40” (102cm) or less,
Women 35” (88 cm) or less
Men >40” (102cm)
Women >35” (88cm)
Morbidly obese40.0 +IIIExtremely HighExtremely High
Obesity35.0-39.9IIVery HighVery High
30.0-34.9IHighVery High
UnderweightLess than 18.5
For more details on What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight?.. please check the link below...
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