What is Childhood Obesity and what are the factors that cause Childhood Obesity.

What is Childhood Obesity and how is it measured?

Over the years Obesity is considered to be of a great concern because it comes with many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and hypertension. But no wonder from last few decades this epidemic has reached even among children.

As per studies, in the US more than 30% of children are Obese. Also, a good number of children are being diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension and other co-morbid conditions associated with obesity and morbid obesity.
Well, India is no far from this vicious circle because every 1 in a fifth child is considered to be obese.
As commonly said  “Prevention is better than cure” motivates us to the fact that it’s a high time to get Obesity diagnosed and BMI is the best tool to measure Childhood Obesity.
A child is said to be “affected by Obesity” if his or her Body Mass Index -for- age (BMI-for-age) percentile is greater than 95% and a child is said to be overweight if his or her BMI-for-age is greater than 85% and less than 95%.
Factors that contribute to Childhood Obesity
The kids of millennial generation need to be under special care because their Lifestyle is quite conducive to fall under the category of Obesity. Below is the list of factors that cause a normal child to gradually become an obese child:

1) Lack of Physical Activity/Sedentary Lifestyle

It is more likely for children to inherit Obesity. After Research, it is found 90% of kids affected by Obesity was due to the influence of their genetic factors.

Also, chances of childhood obesity increases in an environment where high-calorie food is easily available and physical activities are not much encouraged. In such conditions, it is highly recommended that special care must be taken for children so that the same epidemic does not reach your offsprings.

2) Heredity and Family
It is more likely for children to inherit Obesity. After Research, it is found 90% of kids affected by Obesity was due to the influence of their genetic factors.
Also, chances of childhood obesity increases in an environment where high-calorie food is easily available and physical activities are not much encouraged. In such conditions, it is highly recommended that special care must be taken for children so that the same epidemic does not reach your offsprings.
3) Unhealthy Dietary Habits

The convenient and the busy lifestyle of the parents pairs up to welcome all the unhealthy dietary habits for their kids. Ordering a desirable food is just a matter of seconds and the gadgets are not far from the children. Sometimes, even the busy schedule of the workaholic parents becomes the cherry on the cake for their kids to opt for their favourite high-calorie food.

Well, the blame does not goes entirely on the parents, but it is difficult to spare yourself from the fire modernity that has already spread in the complete environment. But no worries, there is no lock without a key. It is better on the first hand, not to stock junk food at home. And even we can prepare interesting dishes which are high in nutrition value and tastes well. We can opt for dishes that can even be easily prepared. And even good food can be ordered instead of bad one.
To know more about Childhood Obesity please visit the Link below

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