Obesity Is A Silent Killer?

Obesity is a condition where the Body weight is higher than it should be in terms of the height.
BMI is one of the most popular methods to measure obesity. It is the statistic that calculates the ratio between your weight and height.
A person having a BMI in the range of 25 and 29.9 is considered to be Overweight and if it exceeds above 30/Kg2 then he or she is considered to be Obese.
This shows that Obesity is indeed given a great concern and the reason behind it is that it involves high-risk factor for a number of diseases like diabetes, heart attack, hypertension and even cancer.
And hence, Obesity is considered to be a Silent Killer. Here is the list of diseases that form a risk for Obesity.

Diabetes is caused when the body’s immune system destroys the pancreatic beta cells that are responsible to produce insulin that regulates glucose level in the blood. This causes a high level of blood glucose, resulting in diabetes.
Also, insulin resistance is one of the major causes of Diabetes which is a disorder when cells do not use insulin properly.
Obese people become insulin resistant and contract Diabetes, which regulates blood sugar levels. They end up with high blood sugar, which causes diabetes.

Hypertension is another term used for High blood pressure. High blood pressure is usually caused due to high cholesterol level in the blood. This is usually caused due to the great accumulation of fat in the body. Hence Obese people are very much likely to contract Hypertension.

Musculoskeletal disorder

As per the research, it is found that people complaining about back pains, joint pains and arthritis are Obese.

The musculoskeletal disorder is nothing but a physiological impairment of the human body and obesity is one of the major cause.

The increased weight may put a pressure on the joints and bones leading to friction, inflammation and malalignment.
Hence Obesity may be one of the major causes of reasons for the Musculoskeletal disorder.

Obesity and Cancer

As per the research, it is found that the five main reasons behind cancer are: High Low intake of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, tobacco consumption, BMI, alcohol consumption.
Also, high insulin in the blood promotes cell multiplication and tumour formation. So all these factors contribute to a considerable risk of cancer associated with Obesity.
For more details please find the link below ...

#WorldObesityDay #weightstigma #weightbias #obesitysymptoms #obesitycauses #obesitytreatment


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