8 Amazing Ayurvedic Herbs- It’s Time To Heal Naturally!

While we are always keen on finding artificial means for our health issues, one thing we tend to ignore is that nature has all the answers.

And the best part, they come with minimum or no side effects at all.
So, today we bring to you some of the smartest and badass ayurvedic herbs found in the nature that can deal with many health problems.

Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbs

Ayurveda is considered as one of the earliest forms of medicinal systems in the world. It is found to have come into existence about 5000 years ago.
While mankind has always been dependent on nature to find cures for different issues, lately our dependence on cosmetic solutions has risen manifold.

1. Triphala

Triphala, a combination of three fruits. Tri refers to three and Phala refers to fruits.
It is one of the famous Ayurvedic herbs that can help in digestion. The main 3 functions of Triphala are:
  • a) It reduces cholesterol level and helps in blood purification.
  • b)It improves the gut environment by increasing food absorption and stimulation of different enzymes.
  • c) It improves peristaltic movement of intestines that help in providing relief from constipation and bloating.

2. Jambuhills

These are made from Jambolan fruit i.e, Syzygium cumini (Black plum).
They are known for their effects on controlling sugar levels in the body. For your convenience, Truweight has made it available in tablet form.
  • a) They have a chemical compound known as Jamboline. This has hypoglycemic effects.
  • b) The seeds are found to help prevent the early onset of diabetes.
  • c) The herb is also known to enhance the growth of pancreatic cells that increases the production of insulin in the body.
Please follow the link below to know more about 8 Amazing Ayurvedic Herbs- It’s Time To Heal Naturally! …..
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