5 Less Known Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight (Based On Science)

Why am I not losing weight? This is one of the most common questions that hover in the mind. In this case, it is advisable to get ur blood test and thyroid test. Apart from this, there can be some nutritional deficiency or hormonal imbalance. Let’s have a look at these reasons one at a time:
Thyroid hormones and weight-loss
When your thyroid glands are not working well, then your thyroid hormones are not being secreted fine. This causes a reduction in your metabolic rate (the amount of energy always burnt for heart beating, thinking, breathing etc).
This in return causes weight gain.

PCOS and weight loss

PCOS also results due to hormonal imbalance. The patients with PCOS  usually have insulin resistance and this causes weight gain.

Diabetes and weight loss

Diabetes typically results in insulin resistance which ultimately causes weight gain. Obesity or being overweight is inter-related to diabetes; obesity causes diabetes and increased body mass index results in an increase in diabetes.

How does hormonal imbalance happen?

Hormonal imbalance sets in when you eat unhealthy food, maintain long gaps between two meals, indulge in binge eating, take a lot of sedatives and do not drink enough water or do not eat enough of nutrient-rich wholesome food. Sounds familiar?
Although hormones are important to us, most of us tend to overlook them when considering weight loss. Just as there are fat storing hormones, there are some fat-burning hormones too.
These are some of the major reasons why are you not losing weight. For more details please follow the link below:
#weightstigma #weightbias #obesitysymptoms #obesitycauses #obesitytreatment


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