Best Superfoods to Lower Cholesterol

About Superfoods

Superfoods are basically nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.
It is said that “Prevention is better than cure” and Superfoods stand tall in proving this. Food is the fuel for the body, then why not choose it right for a healthy well-being . It is a bit difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the fast moving world, but it is not impossible. It is better that we direct the convenience availed by millennial generation in a right direction and switch it into healthy lifestyle. 

As per the above discussion it may sound a little contradictory, but it is a truth that food, even acts as medicine
There are so many diseases that are can not only be prevented but also cured by nutrient-rich foods and specially when it comes to lowering the cholesterol level.

So here are some of the Superfoods that are beneficial in lowering the cholesterol level:


Nuts are responsible for lowering the LDL cholesterol level, thus decreasing the risk of heart diseases.  As per the studies it is found that eating nuts frequently, benefits the heart beyond than lowering the cholesterol. 

Green Tea

Green tea is a treasure of health benefits. Apart from lowering the LDL cholesterol level, it helps in lowering high blood pressure thus preventing heart attacks. It also stabilizes blood sugar and promotes weight loss.


Avocados help in lowering the blood cholesterol level, making it a heart healthy fruit.As per the research one avocado a day can help raise HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL. Having a high level of soluble fiber, avocados contain monounsaturated fat which promotes your heart’s health.Thus Avocados are Superfoods when it comes to having a healthy heart.

Whole grains like oats and barley are excellent sources of soluble fiber, glucans, that helps in reducing the blood cholesterol level by absorbing the same.Also, being gluten-free, they are ideal for consumption by celiac patients, improving their lipid profile.

Beans and Lentils

Food category of beans and legumes, is an ideal bundle of nutrients like protein and fiber, which cumulatively, protects the heart health. Soluble fiber in legumes helps in absorption of blood cholesterol in the intestinal area.

Olive Oil

Similarly, food sources rich in good fat viz. MUFA and PUFA, are excellent agents for lowering LDL level in blood, reducing inflammation as well as plaque formation in blood vessels. Such food sources include nuts like almonds and walnuts, seeds like flax seeds and sunflower seeds, oils like olive oil and rice bran oil.
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